Why Should you buy the Cotton Gin?


    You should buy the cotton gin because of its uniqueness of separating cotton away from its seeds. The machine gets its work done and does it fast. The cotton gin is a machine that is somewhat heavy but it is small and easy to fit it in small places. If I were in your position, I would buy this amazing machine. I love the cotton gin personally because I actually have time to do stuff that I usually never do on a daily basis. I can take care of my two beautiful children and do whatever I want because I have time too. When you get the cotton out of the machine, it is soft and smooth. Separating the cotton and the seeds and able to produce ten yards would take me at least a month. However, with the cotton gin it takes me as if a week or so just to make around hundred yards. I only had some complaints. This young maid said she used it and the cotton was constantly being tangled between the two wheels. I had many complaints like that but you do not need to worry because we can fix that also. This blacksmith also complained that his parts kept on breaking. We just told him that "Just tell us which parts need fixing and we will give you that part so it will work like it usually did." We have sold tons of cotton gins and plan on selling one to you.